Goals for 2023/2024

inform and promote entrepreneurship & service skill development

As independent service providers, Taskers have a variety of motivations and interests. Whether fully aware or not, a decision to be a Tasker is a decision to operate a business. Tasker2Tasker will organize and share information and resources to help Taskers learn about small business operation, accounting, marketing, and encourage people to not only provide services as individuals, but to build businesses that build and serve communities.

organize and support tasker advocacy

Taskers are a individuals who provide services through the TaskRabbit Marketplace. Tasker2Tasker(T2T) will use Tasker2TaskRabbit(T2TR) with the aim to give raise the collective voice of the Tasker Community within TaskRabbit’s corporate organization. In a 21st century economy dominated by corporatism, executives and staff often aren’t even aware how uninformed they are about the very different lives and realities of self-employed v corporate employment with benefits. Tasker2TaskRabbit will share information and enable informed individual and collective action, seeking to hold the company accountable to its stated goal:

“TaskRabbit is providing opportunities to people around the world to earn a living by connecting with others in their community.”

Goals for Future Consideration

Task Category Landing Pages and Stewards

For each of the roughly 40 TaskRabbit Tasker Skills, develop a landing page and have 2 Taskers who are stewards of the page. They will then curate content to include or promote.


REgion & Metro/Market Ambassadors

Have a page for each TaskRabbit Region/Country, and potentially each Metro/Marketplace, identify 2 Taskers who will be stewards/moderators, helping to assemble metro-specific content (or link to existing communities/resources that support the goal), help schedule or promote events to help Taskers build skills and community through face-to-face gathers, workshop and the like.