This week, TaskRabbit sent an email invitation for a May 26 All Hands these bullet points:
A special message from our CEO, Ania Smith
Unveiling the new Taskrabbit brand
Presentations on our new Tasker Analytics and Elite Program
Tasker sessions, so you can learn from the best
We'll answer your toughest pre-submitted questions!
In TaskRabbit Taskers United on Facebook, there is a survey of interest on which ‘tough questions’ are most important to you.
Those questions, along with supporting information on why they matter to the Tasker Community, will be posted here between now and May 26. This is a modest effort to try and increase visibility and awareness of our concerns, in a public and accountable way.
This is not intended to be antagonistic to TaskRabbit. It is intended to illustrate our collective frustration with the ineffectual nature of communicating via normal channels and the lip service paid by TR leadership to the importance of Taskers to the platform.